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Véronique Dufour

mardi 27 septembre 2011

Un sketch, une carte!

Carte réalisée selon le sketch de la semaine sur Karmascrap!
Les papiers sont de Stampin'Up!

9 commentaires:

Genevieve a dit…

Très jolie carte!
Bonne chance et merci de participer avec Karma!

Anonyme a dit…

Tout en rose! :) Merci pour ta participation

Véronique Dufour a dit…

Merci pour les beaux commentaires!

Cappucine1978 a dit…

Très jolie carte!
Merci d'avoir participé :)

van rental glasgow a dit…

Its a cool and attractive flower with pink colour.The place where you have set the flower is too good.Nice idea it is.

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Here every flowers looking so cute and awesome. I love the flowers and i thing flowers are very important and happy part of our life.

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I love flowers and this sketch looking so beautiful. I impressed by make it. I really appreciate of your work.

Solvency II a dit…

Your sketch looking so great and awesome. Every thing looking so beautiful. I appreciate of your work.

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It is very beautiful. The place where you have set the flower is too good. I impressed by that.